23.Bank transfers or deposits must be made to the following account.
24. All prices are exclusive of tax and the applicant will be liable to pay all applicable taxes as per applicable laws accordingly.
25. The Apartment/Shop/Plot once or provisionally allotted or transferred will be cancelled if three consecutive payments are not made as per schedule.
26. The Apartment/Shop/Plot once or provisionally allotted or transferred during the scheduled payment, will not be surrendered or cancelled. However, if the applicant is unable to pay the rest of the amount as per given schedule or if the cancellation of apartment is made, the applicant will only be entitled for refund of the amount after deduction of 10% of total booking amount, from the amount so deposited. The refundable amount shall be paid within 360 days of cancellation.
27. In case of any dispute between the applicant and AL Kareem City, the dispute will be referred to arbitration by an authorized officer of AL Kareem City, whose decision shall be binding on the parties to the dispute.
28. These terms shall be governed by the law of Pakistan, with the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Lahore, Pakistan.
29. K.C will reserve the right to allot / sell and cancel the booking of the applicant due to nonpayment of any dues, whatsoever, to any other applicant and the ex-applicant shall have no right to such booking of Apartment/Shop/Plot.